Saturday, 5 January 2013

Jesse Jane Plastic Surgery Before and After Breast Implants and Nose Jobs

Plastic surgeon Dr. John Di Saia dissects the breast implants of adult film star Jesse James.
Check out these pictures of Jesse Jane before and after plastic surgery.

“They look like high profile implants that always seem to look foreign in thin women with little soft tissue coverage. These implants ‘stick out’ too far. It is a shame as this woman is otherwise very pretty. It seems that she could use a downsizing and a modified breast lift.

The problem is that usually these women want to be larger which is not in their best interest in the majority of the cases. Of course, this assumes that she wants to look natural.”

Jesse Jane had plastic surgery to improve her self image. The before & after pictures show that she had breast implants and a nose job. Overall, were Jesse Jane's 2 cosmetic